Thursday, February 18, 2010

Star Readers

We are learning to be Star Readers. Here you can see Jacob using the Star Reading strategies to figure out an unknown word.

Here is the the Star Reading strategy organizer. We have learned that Star Readers stop, think and make predictions. Then if they come to a word they do not know, they use the points (strategies) on the star to help them. Here are the strategies: look at the picture, get your mouth ready, look for chunks, does it look like a word I know, and try again! If they use all the strategies and they still can't figure you the word, on the back of the star are wikki sticks and they can underline the word in the book using the wikki stick. After we come back together as a group, we discuss any words we had trouble with.

I have been so impressed with just how independent the kids have become while reading. I feel like I don't even teach reading any more because they help each other figure out the words they don't know.

Taylor has her Star Reading organizer ready in case she needs it.

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