Monday, September 27, 2010

Go with the Flow

We had a really cool science experiment this week.
We talked about why it was important for scientists to learn about how water moves.
The kids came up with very interesting reasons. Ask your child what they think.
Then we experimented with our own water bottles.

Vayla turned hers upside down to see what would happen.

Mitchell is checking his out.

We shook...


and spun our bottles to see how water moves.

Apple Pies

We made apple pies this week to end our unit on apples and Johnny Appleseed.
Thank you to Meryck's family for providing the ingredients.

Bella is showing us how to flatten out the dough.

Miguel is ready to add the apple pie filling.

Bradley just finished folding over the dough and pinching the edges.

The blue team is ready to eat.
Daelin, Desiray, Jonathan, and Catherine

The red team is taking a big bite.
Luc, Arianah, Miguel, Isabella, Bradley, and Vayla

The yellow team is enjoying their apple pies.
Cooper, Juana, Adan, K.J., and Bella

And the green team. I told them to take a big bite on the count of three.
Aubrey opened his mouth but didn't want to take a bite. Henry and Dustin loved them.

Friday, September 17, 2010

We Like to Play With...

Each week, we make a classbook. It focuses on our sight words for the week. This week our sentence was:
I like to play with ____ and _____.

The pictures turned out too cute not to share on the blog.

Isabella, Bella, and Josie all chose each other. So, we put just one picture in but they each have a picture with one of them in the middle.
I like to play with Isabella and Josie. (Bella)
I like to play with Josie and Bella. (Isabella)
I like to play with Bella and Isabella. (Josie)

I like to play with Isabella and Arianah. (Catherine)

I like to play with Miguel and Luc. (Cooper)

I like to play with Luc and Miguel. (Jonathan)

I like to play with Luc and Isabella. (Juana)

I like to play with Josie and Adan. (Henry)

I like to play with K.J. and Luc. (Bradley)

I like to play with Desiray and Vayla. (Arianah)

I like to play with Arianah and Isabella. (Vayla)

I like to play with Desiray and Luc. (Dustin)

I like to play with Isabella and Luc. (Desiray)

I like to play with Juana and Cooper. (Miguel)

I like to play with Luc and Isabella. (K.J.)

I like to play with Cooper and Jonathan. (Adan)

I like to play with Luc and Bella. (Mitchell)

I like to play with Catherine and Desiray. (Luc)

I like to play with Cooper and Mitchell. (Aubrey)

Our Many Colored Days

Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Smith must have lost their minds! We brought out finger paints and let the Spunky Monkeys have at it after we read Our Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss.

Work Stations

During Guided Reading, each teacher has a small group to work with. What are the other kids doing??? That's a good question.

Adan and Josie are working in the construction work station.

K.J. and Mitchell are in the classroom library.

Arianah is making a school bus in the pocket chart work station. She has to follow the written directions to make her own.

Daelin and Juana are in the poetry work station. We learn a new poem every two weeks. Right now they are matching rhyming word puzzle pieces.

Meryck and Aubrey are in the puzzle work station.

Isabella is working on a laptop in the computer work station.

In the creation work station, we can make, draw, use playdough, and be creative.
Henry and Joseph are having fun.

Vayla, Luc, and Bella are hard at work in the ABC/Word workstation.

Christy and Catherine are in the math work station.
We also have the listening work station but we must have forgot to take a picture.

Funky Food Activities

We do a Funky Food activity each Friday. We love to eat! Mrs. Martin doesn't cook at home but she loves to at school. Watch the slide show of all the food we have eaten so far. YUM!

Friday Science Experiments

Each Friday, we have a science experiment. Watch the slide show to see our first few Fridays of fun science experiements.

Playground Fun