Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shadows and Light

During Groundhog week, we talked about shadows. Our experiment was all about shadows.
We broke up into 6 groups. There was a bag of objects and flashlights. We turned the lights out and then the fun began.

Juana's group loved the colored disks.

I think the colored the disks, were a hit with every group.

This shape stencil was cool too. This group discovered that if you moved the stencil closer to the flashlight, the bigger the shapes were. If you move the stencil away from the light, the shapes got smaller.

This group found if 2 lights were shining on the stencil from different angles,
there would be 2 shadows.

Don't be surprised if your Spunky Monkey wants to explore with a flashlight at home.

100th Day of School

On the 100th day of school, we had so much fun!

We wrote 100 words that we can read.
Dustin, Cooper, Arianah

We made $100 hats.
Miguel, Jonathan, Adan

We wrote what we would do with $100.
Bradley, Josie, Catherine, Aubrey

Juana was the 100th person through the lunch line. Mrs. Debbie is giving her a prize!

We also made a snack of 100 items but we forgot to take pictures before we all gobbled it up.
Whew! Only 70 more days of school until the Spunky Monkeys are first graders.